Sweden alters strategy after spiral of death in the elderly – coronavirus


Sweden will make changes to the strategy to combat covid-19, which has been somewhat controversial due to resistance to the application of containment policies, at odds with the rest of Europe. In view of the recent increase in the number of deaths among older citizens, the Nordic country will strengthen protection for this section of the population.

The Swedish government plans to spend SEK 2.2 billion (€ 2.07 billion) to increase the number of employees caring for the elderly, as half of the citizens over the age of 70 who died with covid-19 in Sweden settled in health units, say the country’s statistics.

In parallel, the state plans to give almost the same amount, SEK 2 billion, to compensate local authorities for the additional costs they incurred in facing the pandemic.

As of Monday, Sweden had recorded 3,256 deaths from covid-19. The country’s approach to dealing with the pandemic has become a matter of debate because, instead of severely restricting population movements, it depended on citizens to maintain the social distance that provides them with security. Gyms, schools, restaurants, and shops have always remained open during the pandemic proliferation.

In this way, Sweden wanted to protect itself in economic terms, but the death rate increases to 32 individuals per 100,000 inhabitants, above the 24 registered in the United States and 9 in neighboring Denmark. The country’s leading epidemiologist Anders Tegnell argues that confinement will not help combat a pandemic, it will only postpone the effects of a situation that needs to be addressed in the long term.
