Suspect drug trafficker leaves partner to escape police in Guimarães


Pursued by the police, a man suspected of drug trafficking stopped the car and fled on foot, leaving behind the woman who was accompanying him, with cocaine and heroin.

The incident occurred on Monday afternoon in Guimarães, with the PSP arresting the woman, who will have to answer in court for drug trafficking.

In a statement, the PSP states that “yesterday, at 2:45 pm, the police officers who were on a patrol mission, in Alameda dos Desportos, in the city of Guimarães, verified that a citizen was inside a vehicle and a citizen. , both known for the crime of drug trafficking. “

When the officers ordered them to stop, they fled “never obeying orders to arrest the police.”

Until, “during the chase, the driver of the vehicle immobilized it and began a pedestrian escape, without having been able to intercept it.”

However, reports the PSP, “inside the vehicle, there was still the citizen and, after a search, a wallet was found, which was seized, as well as three mobile phones and the amount of € 71.75 in cash.”

After registering the car, 12 doses of cocaine, three doses of heroin, 52 euros in cash and a mobile phone were found, which the PSP confiscated.

The vehicle was also stopped.

The woman was arrested and informed that she will be notified to appear later in the Famalicão Judicial Court.

The PSP emphasizes that, “during the chase, the driver of the vehicle always practiced dangerous driving, endangering road users, and it was also discovered that he did not have any document that qualified him to exercise.”
