Supporters returning to stadiums? Graça Freitas takes stock of the situation




The Director General of Health admits the return of the public.

Graça Freitas, general director of Health, said this Friday that the presence of the public in the stadiums is being considered.

“I can say that this possibility is being considered. That is what I can say at this time. It is not a situation that has been ruled out. We are analyzing and pondering, let’s see how the pandemic behaves,” he said on the sidelines. Kick-Off, event where the professional championships were drawn.

“The first parameter for this to happen is that the disease is not circulating with much intensity. The intensity of the pandemic is what will determine our ability to unite more or less. What I want and we all want is that in next season we can return to normality. If it will happen or not, I don’t know ”, said Graça Freitas.
