Study. At 1pm, 73% of the Portuguese were already confined. More than half the population has not even left home – Observer


When the clock struck 1:00 p.m. this Saturday, 73% of the population was confined to their homes.. The figures are from the PSE consultancy and reveal that the Portuguese complied, in an “exemplary” manner, with the mandatory tax that is applied from 1:00 p.m. in 191 municipalities of the country. Especially considering that, last Saturday, when this measure was not yet in force, only 49% of the population was home at 1 pm.

As the hours passed, the confinement increased. And this is visible from the mobility data collected by the PSE which shows that just one hour after the mandatory collection, at 2 pm, the percentage of Portuguese confined to their home was already 80%. At 7 p.m., that figure was already over 90%.

PSE graph showing the percentage of Portuguese confined to their homes this Saturday and, in lighter blue, last Saturday

It was between 12:00 and 14:00 that the curfew became more evident. In those two hours 22% of the Portuguese confined, with 1:00 p.m. being the period of greatest confinement: almost 10% of the population returned home at that time. Last saturday the the greatest return of the population to the home was concentrated in the late afternoon and early evening.

PSE graph showing the hours when the most Portuguese returned home, this Saturday and, in lighter blue, last Saturday

But there were Portuguese who did not even leave the house in the morning. According to the analysis of the consultancy, 55% of the population did not go out on the streets all Saturday, although they could do so until 1:00 p.m. Here too there is a difference compared to last Saturday, in which 42% of the Portuguese stayed at home all the time. However, the 55% of total confinement this Saturday is still far from the 70% registered on Saturday in Aprilrecalls the consultant.

Of the Portuguese who went out in the morning, 64% made only short trips of up to 20 kilometers away from their homes. The number of people who traveled with high mobility was only 16%. “The mobility of this Saturday was 54% of existing normal mobility, before the pandemicSays the consultant. Last Saturday, mobility was much closer to that existing before Covid-19 arrived in Portugal: it was 81% compared to normal. This means that the obligatory collection after 1:00 p.m., caused a reduction of 33% in relation to the last Saturday.

This data is collected from a application installed on smartphones of 3,670 people you gave permission for your location and travel data to be collected on an ongoing basis. These people are over 15 years old and live in the regions of Greater Porto, Greater Lisbon, North Coast, Central Coast and Faro district, a representative sample of the universe under study, the PSE guarantees.

In fact, this study began to be carried out in 2019, even before there was any suspicion of the new coronavirus, the objective was only to help municipalities in spatial planning and in the management of mobility and transport and other companies and entities in behavioral studies. But now it allows us to analyze the movements of the Portuguese in times of pandemic.

The Portuguese hardly left home after 11 at night. Less circulation only with closed schools or total confinement
