Students evicted from the Republic in Coimbra


The seven residents of Solar Residencial dos Meninos Açoreanos, in Coimbra, were evicted this Monday morning, in the presence of the PSP, the owner and an executor. The eviction was motivated by the agreement between the owner of the property and the tenant’s lawyer, a former resident of the Republic, for the termination of the contract.

The intervention of the authorities occurred at 9 in the morning, when some of the neighbors were still sleeping. “It was all very confusing. PSP entered the house from the inside, we kept calling our lawyer, but we ended up staying on the street ”, explains JN Carolina Braga, one of the seven neighbors of the house. Neighbors managed, even today, to arrange a meeting with the Rectory of the University of Coimbra to get resettlement, some of whom will have to stay with friends. “We are still waiting for answers,” he stresses.

The hope of the neighbors passes through the administrative possession of the Municipality of Coimbra, which has been happening for a year and should happen this week. “The house needs works and the landlord has been notified since 2017,” says Carolina Braga.

Camera without intervention

The tenant of Solar Residencial dos Estudios Açoreanos is a former priest who lives in the United States, having made a proxy for a former resident of the house. The latter, found the JN, reached an agreement with the owner to terminate the contract. Heard by JN, a source from the Municipality of Coimbra says that, in this case, the Municipality cannot do anything. “The house is identified as of historical interest, but if there is an agreement between the owner and the tenant, there is nothing the Chamber can do,” he says.

The same source confirms that the administrative investiture will take place this week. However, this will be property and not Republic. “We will take administrative possession to carry out the necessary works and then we will charge the owner for them. But the City Council has no interference with the tenants and their relationship with the owners ”, he defends.

Located on Rua António Vasconcelos, Solar Residencial dos Meninos Açoreanos was founded in 1962, and the residents moved into their current home four years later. Initially intended for university students from the Azores archipelago, it currently has no one from these islands.
