Steroids for severe cases of Covid-19 and oxygen degradations. Is Trump really “getting better”? – observer


Trump is “very well.” So well that he can be discharged this Monday and return to the White House. That was at least what the medical team of the President of the United States conveyed in the press conference this Sunday with an update on the medical situation of the President of the United States. More or type of treatment what you are being subjected to contradicts the discourse that “there is no clinical concern”.

Trump is being treated for Covid-19 with dexamethasone, a steroid that the World Health Organization (WHO) only recommends for severe cases of Covid-19. Dexamethasone has positive effects on people who had to receive oxygen or be connected to a ventilator, as it helps patients with extreme breathing difficulties, according to the WHO.

WHO warns dexamethasone is only for severe cases

In June, WHO Director General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus even admitted that dexamethasone “It can save the seriously ill”, but cautioned that it should only be administered to patients in this situation and under “clinical supervision.” Kai Kupferschimdt, science journalist, recalled on Twitter that the WHO recommendations are “very clear” when they explain that dexamethasone should only be used in “Critically ill Covid-19 patients”.

The use of this drug – especially when Trump took a cocktail of REGN-COV2 antibodies and is already taking remdesivir at the same time – raises questions about whether the president will be really fine and whether he is receiving this type of treatment just in case because of his position. . that occupies. Krutika Kuppalli, an infectious disease doctor at the Medical University of South Carolina, also has doubts. On Twitter, she argued that the type of medication Trump is taking does not resemble “a person who entered the Walter Reed Medical Center as a precaution.” “Those are heavy medicines given to a person who is probably very sick“, But no cheep.

And the same expert also warns that steroids inhibit the “body’s ability to create a febrile response,” so it is “silent” to state that Trump does not have a fever when it is known that he is taking dexamethasone. The fever may simply not manifest due to this drug.

The news of the possibility of Trump returning to the White House on Monday raises more questions, especially when the medical team revealed that the president has had two episodes of falling oxygen saturation since Thursday. For CNN, Dr. Sanjay Gupta said that, even departing only from the scenario described by doctors in the instructions this Sunday, Trump shouldn’t be fired tomorrow.

At that press conference, Sean Conley, Trump’s doctor, said that while the president was feeling fine Thursday night, by late Friday morning his oxygen dropped below 94% and the president had a high fever, prompting the doctor to recommend that he receive oxygen. Although Trump initially refused and said there was no need to compromise, he ended up receiving oxygen that day. Already Saturday, the oxygen levels were below 93% and Trump ended up having trouble breathing. However, the doctor assured that the head of state is currently “very well”, with 98% oxygen levels – which means that “there is no clinical problem”.

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When asked why he did not immediately reveal. instructions that Trump had received oxygen, Sean Conley only said that he was “trying to reflect an optimistic attitude from the team”. She concluded: “The point here is that she is doing very well.” So well that the team plans to release it:

Our plan for today is for you to eat and drink and get out of bed. If he continues to feel as good as today, our hope is to plan his discharge tomorrow and move him to the White House, where he can continue his treatment.

Already at the press conference on Saturday, some confusing comments from the president’s doctor had raised some doubts. Like this Sunday, the message conveyed was that Trump was fine. Alone, the Saturday after instructionsMark Meadows, the White House chief of staff, gave reporters a much more alarming state of health.

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This Sunday, Sean Conley explained that the Meadows’ statements were “misinterpreted”. “What he meant is that 24 hours ago, when he and I were checking on the president, there was that momentary episode of high fever and that temporary collapse of oxygen saturation,” he said, recalling that “fortunately, that was really an episode. isolated and very brief “and that Trump “is fine.”

But the doctor continues to avoid clear answers to some questions, namely about the results of tests that Trump did to detect pneumonia or even if the US president since Friday. oxygen supplement –that he got even before he was admitted. The doctor who leads the team arrived at the press conference on Trump’s clinical update without that answer on the tip of his tongue and when asked by journalists, he only said that he was not sure and that he had to “consult with the nurses

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