STAYAWAY COVID is now also available for iPhone


After being available for Android, the STAYAWAY COVID app is now also available for iOS. According to some comments, users still have some doubts about privacy.

However, given the “design” of this app, privacy cannot be questioned. If you have an iPhone, install it now and help fight this virus.

Portugal: STAYAWAY COVID is now also available for iPhone

STAY COVID! Time to install on iPhone

STAYAWAY COVID is an application for mobile phones that aims to help the country in monitoring COVID-19. The application allows, in a simple and safe way, that each of us is informed about the risks of exposure to the disease, by following up recent contacts.

The application is voluntary and free to use and at no time do you have access to your identity or personal data. It is time to install it on your iPhone.

This application was developed by INESC TEC, ISPUP, Keyruptive and Ubirider. The World Health Organization suggests that contacts of less than 2 meters and for more than 15 minutes with someone with COVID-19 should be considered at high risk of contagion.

Main features of the STAYAWAY COVID application

1. Not registering a high risk of contagion

By not registering proximity contacts with a high risk of contagion with someone diagnosed with COVID-19, the application informs us exactly that with the date of the last evaluation.

2. Warning of high risk of contagion

If someone we have been dangerously close to in the last 14 days is diagnosed with COVID-19 and reports the STAYAWAY COVID system, the application immediately alerts us of the risk suggesting that we isolate ourselves and contact the SNS Line 24 (808 24 24 24) .

3. After the COVID-19 diagnosis

In the case of contracting COVID-19, with the diagnosis we will receive a numerical code that will allow us, anonymously and through the application, to inform the system. This is the act that allows the system to alert in a safe and timely manner all those who may have infected us, even before they have done so. have had any symptoms. Nobody's identity is revealed to anyone.

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