State of emergency until May 2. President asks for space for social networks and time for government


The President has just announced the renewal of the state of emergency until the beginning of May: “I have just signed the second, and we all want the last one, the renewal of the state of emergency to take effect until midnight on May 2,” said Marcelo. Sousa’s rebellion at the beginning of this Belém announcement.

The President stressed that this renewal underlies the idea that “we are now closer to the end of April, the decisive month to win the second phase, and we are winning the second phase.”

Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa argues that, after achieving what he considers many victories in this battle against the new coronavirus, now is the time not to lose the initial efforts of the Portuguese, maintaining the current levels of contaminants, which he considered positive.

In listing the measures taken by the Government during this phase of the crisis, the Head of State considered that these were decisions that proved essential to allow a prompt return to normality.

“Trade and service readjusted and reacted to the crisis” together, fighting for work and defending life, he added.

Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa described the three structural reasons for the renewal of the state of emergency:

The first, he pointed out, has to do with the situation of households. The president recalled that the heads of household “did not waste a minute, but also needed more time.” Detection, testing and isolation is important to consolidate this task in the name of user security.

The second, although, he affirmed, we are the fourth country in Europe that tests the most, we must continue to stabilize hospitalization numbers (in general or intensive care) “despite not having reached the 20 or 30 thousand expected fifteen days ago.” . One way to guarantee that the NHS can respond to new patients (stabilizing the daily number of hospitalizations) and to an evolution of the outbreak in a situation of progressive increase in social contacts and to avoid relapses.

Third, the government has more time to define criteria, study and prepare for the end of April to open up society and the economy. The central concern here will be to provide confidence and security to the Portuguese, so that they can leave home and resume their lives without risking hasty or counterproductive measures.

Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa also wanted to leave a word to the elderly and the sickest: “Don’t be afraid. No one minimizes their delivery of many decades. No one wants to lock you up in a ghetto, dividing the Portuguese between those who resist and are essential and the fragile who are disposable. Taking care of yourself is different from making you smaller. ”

For the younger ones, he admired their admiration for the ability of this unprecedented situation to react to what he called the “biggest shock of their lives”. And the mayors assured that they will be the first to testify to their role of proximity.

In a final note, the President left an alert on the need for common sense to prevail at the end of April so that “in the third phase, in May,” hope based on trust can be achieved. In this sense, he stressed that the Portuguese are asked to make this effort to avoid precipitations or overcome the fatigue that could “ruin everything”.

He ended by affirming that “the Portuguese miracle, as the others say”, is the result of much sacrifice and unity of all the Portuguese, as well as a transversal commitment to all sectors: political, economic and civil society.
