Starting today, throwing cigarette butts on the ground gives a fine that can reach 250 euros – Actualidade


Regarding administrative offenses, the law determines in article 11 that it comes into effect one year after its publication, that is, on September 3, 2020.

In addition to the fines of 25 euros to 250 euros for those who throw cigarette butts on the ground, the law also determines that it constitutes an offense punishable by a minimum fine of 250 euros and a maximum of 1,500 euros in the case of commercial establishments, companies that manage public transport , municipalities, public transport stop concessionaires, higher education institutions, hotels and local accommodation do not place ashtrays or clean the waste produced.

The diploma also provided that the Government should create, within 180 days from the entry into force of the law, an incentive system, within the scope of the Environmental Fund, and promote consumer awareness campaigns for responsible destinations of tobacco waste. In particular, cigarette butts, cigars or other cigarettes.

With regard to tobacco companies, the new law indicates that they must promote the use of biodegradable materials in the manufacture of tobacco filters.

The inspection is in charge of the Food and Economic Security Authority (ASAE), city councils, Municipal Police, Republican National Guard, Public Security Police, Maritime Police and other police authorities.

The instruction of the processes and the application of fines for those who do not comply is the responsibility of ASAE and the respective city council, and the money will be distributed by the State (50%), self-evaluating entity (20%) and entity that instructed the process (30 %). ).
