Sporting claims 4 points and demands explanations from the Referee Council


André Bernardo, executive director of Sporting’s SAD, took advantage of this Thursday the opinion space he signs in the official newspaper of the Alvalade club to point the finger at those responsible for the refereeing of Portuguese football.

The leader regrets the “arbitration cases that resulted in the loss of four points”, the last of which last weekend, when Luís Godinho annulled a goal to Sebastian Coates, in a two-ball tie with Famalicão.

“The absence of uniform criteria in the treatment of the different clubs, on and off the pitch, is unacceptable and does not preserve competition,” warns the official, who says strange “the different approaches” by organs competent.

“The Arbitration Council decided to rule through the media only on the specific offer of the objective of Coates. But, in addition to being surprised by the decision itself taking into account what the rules say, the speed is strange, the specificity of the shot is strange and the shape is strange ”, it reads.

But it is more strange, and it is also a fact, that the treatment against our rival less than a year ago was exactly the opposite. The same happens with the Portuguese Association of Referees Soccer, “he continues.

“Why the different approaches? I don’t know and it’s up to them to answer. Something that we requested yesterday by letter to the CA, taking advantage of the opportunity to reinforce importsncia that he audios communication with him WHERE made public during decisions. Ambition that we made public first-hand and that we consider crucial in the constructive and transparent path that protects the sector and the competitive environment ”, he concludes.

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