Spanish army predicts two more waves of new coronaviruses in the country – Jornal Economico


An internal report by the Spanish army predicts that Spain will be affected by two more covid-19 vacancies and that it should only return to normal within a year and a half, the AP reported today.

In the report, which the Associated Press (AP) news agency had access to, after officially confirming the news initially reported by the Spanish newspaper ABC, Spanish military experts indicated the possibility of the second wave occurring next fall or winter .

“It will be less dangerous than the initial epidemic due to increased immunity of the population and better preparation. There is a possible third wave that will appear even weaker “in 2021 if a vaccine is already available, the document added.

The report was produced by Army experts as a prediction of the pandemic itself, which can be shared with civil authorities.

The Spanish Government has its own experts who make possible the decisions that have been taken within the framework of health policies, also taking into account the opinions of other foreign institutions and experts.

Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez warned that he considers “very likely” that the new coronavirus may return until a vaccine is developed.

Spanish health authorities are conducting an epidemiological survey to determine the extent of the infection, including several thousand people who were mildly ill with a cough and high fever, but who never underwent tests in a hospital.

Several thousand people are believed to have been infected, but have never had symptoms.

Today, the Spanish Health Ministry said that medical and hospital staff took blood samples from more than 46,000 people in the first week of the survey and that it expects to reach between 60,000 and 90,000 tests.

More than 26,000 Spaniards died from covid-19, among more than 260,000 confirmed cases.

The Spanish army has played a key role in the fight against the spread of the virus in the context of the state of emergency established in mid-March.

Thousands of soldiers and military doctors were sent to hospitals, disinfecting health centers and transporting equipment and patients between hospitals and from hospitals to morgues.

In the report, Army health experts considered that, as steps to take in the coming weeks, it would be “extremely important” to develop a way to track infected patients through mobile apps.

So far, Spain has not taken a position on mobile applications, and continues to rely on local public health and clinical networks to monitor future cases.

Globally, according to a report by the AFP news agency, the covid-19 pandemic has already caused some 269,000 deaths and infected more than 3.8 million people in 195 countries and territories.

More than 1.2 million patients were considered cured.
