Spain registers 567 more deaths and exceeds 18 thousand


A Spain registers a total of 18,056 deaths from Covid-19, since this health crisis began. According to the latest data from the country’s Ministry of Health, 567 more people died in the last 24 hours.

To date, 172,541 cases of infected and 67,504 people who managed to recover from the disease.

These figures mean that in the space of one day, 3,045 more cases of people were registered infected. An increase of 1.8%, representing the lowest growth rate since pandemic He arrived in the country.

Health authorities warn about what they call the “weekend effect”, which means that some cases seen on Saturday and Sunday are reported late, stressing that these figures do not question “the downward trend began.”

The region with the most positive cases of greedy-19 is Madrid, with 48,048 infected and 6,568 deaths, followed by Catalonia (35,197 and 3,666), Castilla-La Mancha (14,329 and 1,714), Castilla y León (13,180 and 1,299) and the Basque Country (11,226 and 859).

Spain is the country with the most deaths with pandemic per million inhabitants (386 deaths), followed by Belgium (359), Italy (338) and France (229), in a list in which the United States has 71 and Portugal 52.

The Spanish Government continued today to distribute more than 10 million masks in the autonomous communities where it was a holiday on Monday. This Tuesday, the Spanish government also decided to strengthen its public health system by making available to its communities all the centers, services and establishments for clinical diagnosis, reports El País.

The security forces are responsible for this distribution to workers who resume their exercise, mainly in industry and construction closed for two weeks, and who needs to use the public transport system, where it is difficult to keep distancencia Recommended security measures to avoid infection by coronavirus.

The “state of emergency” has been in force in Spain since 15 March last and up to 25 April then have the prime minister Pedro Sanchez, already advanced that must be renewed for at least two more weeks.

The new coronavirusresponsible of pandemic of greedy-19, has already caused more than 120 thousand deaths and infected More than 1.9 million people in 193 countries and territories.

After appearing in China, in December, the outbreak spread throughout the world, leading to the World Health Organization (WHO) to declare a pandemic.

The United States is the country with the highest number of deaths, with 23,644 to date, and the one with the highest number of deaths. infected, with more than 587 thousand confirmed cases.

The European continent has the highest number of cases, and Italy is the second country in the world with the most deaths, with 20,465. deaths and more than 159 thousand confirmed cases.

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