Spain and Germany begin to vaccinate against covid-19 in January


The President of the Spanish Government, Pedro Sánchez, said this Sunday that Spain and Germany will be the only European countries that will have a structured plan to start vaccinating the population against covid-19 from January 2021.

According to the explanations of the Government leader, who spoke to the media after the virtual meeting of the G20, the Spanish vaccination plan must be approved by the Council of Ministers as of Tuesday and is based on five lines of action, of which highlighting the definition of 13,000 vaccination points and a single national strategy, developed by a multidisciplinary group of experts.

“Every year, 10 million people are vaccinated against the flu in Spain. Therefore, it is considered that the National Health System is prepared to achieve this objective. An example: this year, in eight weeks, 14 million people have been vaccinated, ”said Sánchez, ensuring that priority groups will have access to the vaccine.

At the same time, the Spanish head of government said that the country is already creating logistical conditions to guarantee “the necessary temperature” for the preservation of the vaccine, which, in the case of BioNTech / Pfizer, requires a temperature of minus 70 degrees.

The European Union has already signed contracts with the pharmaceutical companies AstraZeneca, Sanofi, Janssen and BioNTech / Pfizer for one billion expandable doses, the signing with CureVac is imminent and the negotiations with Moderna for 400 million additional vaccines are at a very advanced stage. Spain, according to Sánchez, will be responsible for 10% of these doses that the European Union may make available to member countries.

The official figures of the covid-19 pandemic in Spain point to 1,556,730 cases and 42,619 deaths. The data announced this Saturday by the Spanish Ministry of Health reported 15,156 new infections and 328 more deaths, despite the fact that the transmission of the virus has been decreasing for at least 11 days and the cumulative incidence was 419 cases per 100,000 inhabitants.

However, Sánchez stressed that the cumulative incidence of cases of the new coronavirus is less than 400 cases per 100,000 inhabitants in 14 days, a figure that will be released on Monday and that, for the government leader, demonstrates the effectiveness of the restrictions. imposed by the state of emergency in force in the country.

Spain is the sixth country in the world in terms of cases since the beginning of the pandemic and is only behind the United States (more than 12 million), India (more than nine million), Brazil (more than six million), France ( 2, Millions) and Russia (more than two million).
