Space Station astronauts are back on Earth


A POT reported that the three astronauts of the International Space Station (EEI) – Andrew Morgan and Jessica Meir from POT and Oleg Skripochka from Roscosmos – safely landed on the Kazakhstanat 11:16 am local time (6:16 am in Lisbon).

Morgan was on the space station for 272 days, a period of time that will help POT to realize the effects on the human body of a long stay in space. Both Meir how Skripochka They spent 205 days in space.

Due to the technical limitations related to the epidemic of Covid-19, the return was not transmitted in right, from the landing site as always.

Eight Mi-8MTV-1 helicopters, An-12 and An-26 aircraft, and 19 ground units, including five “Blue Bird” search and rescue vehicles, were waiting for the capsule to land, according to Russian agencies.

The crew continued aboard Russian Mi-8 helicopters to the Baikonur, where it will separate.

The three astronauts return to Earth at a time when pandemic global of Covid-19 forced millions of people to remain isolated from each other. In videoconference before the departure of the Space Station, Meir He realized that he will feel “more isolated on Earth than in space.”

Below you can see when the three astronauts were removed from the space station transport plane.

Aboard the EEI American astronaut Chris Cassidy and the cosmonauts of Roscosmos Anatoli Ivanishin and Ivan Vagner, arrived on the last day of 09, aboard the Soyuz MS-16.

All three said they had completed a month of quarantine, before leaving for EEI.

The new crew began, the moment Soyuz MS-15 returned to Earth, Expedition 63, which was soon to receive astronauts from POT Bob Behnken and Doug Hurley, aboard the aerospace company’s Crew Dragon capsule SpaceXowned by the entrepreneur Elon Musk

Behnken and Hurley will be the first astronauts in the POT to be released for the EEI from American soil, aboard a North American ship and rocket, since the end of the transportation program in July from 2011.

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