South Korea announces almost 100 cases of patients who tested positive for covid-19 when they were about to be discharged



“We are in close contact with our clinical partners and are working hard to obtain more information on these individual cases,” a source from the World Health Organization told Reuters.

The World Health Organization (WHO) is investigating the cases of 91 patients who tested positive for the new coronavirus after testing negative. According to Reuters, the patients, who are in South Korea, were about to be discharged.

“We are aware of information from people who tested negative for Covid-19 through PCR tests [polimerase em cadeia, um tipo de teste para o novo coronavírus] and, after a few days, they tested positive again, “the organization’s source told the same agency.” We are in close contact with our clinical partners and are working hard to obtain more information on these individual cases, “he added.

Currently, a patient is considered cured after two screening tests are negative, and these samples must be collected at least 24 hours apart.

South Korean officials, who announced this on Friday, said the disease may have “reactivated” in these patients, rather than being “infected” again by the virus.
