South Africa detects new variant of coronavirus


“A Variant ‘501.V2’ of the virus SARSVOC-2 was identified by South African researchers and reported to the World Health Organization (who) “, said in a statement the minister True Mkhize.

According to the South African government official, the South African scientific research team, led by Professor Thulium de Oliveira, from the Center for Innovation and Research of the University of KwaZulu-Natal (KRISP, in the acronym in English), Sequence hundreds of samples from all over the country from pandemic in March.

“The researchers noticed that one particular variant dominated the results for the past two months,” he explained. Mkhize, noting that they also noticed a change in the epidemiological panorama, “mainly with younger patients, who develop severe forms of the disease.”

“Everything indicates that the second wave we are going through is carried by this new variant,” added the minister.

According to the True Mkhize, the researchers also alerted the UK to the identification of the new South African variant, allowing them to “study their own samples and find a similar variant.”

“It was the variant that was fueling its revival in London, leading to an announcement made in Parliament and the blockade instituted in London to contain the spread of that variant,” he said.

True Mkhize He said he didn’t expect a second wave of pandemic so quickly in the country, adding that “although the new variant is cause for concern, there is no reason to panic.”

The South African Minister of Health also explained that the Africa South Africa will also verify that vaccines Current it will be effective in preventing the new variant.

A Africa South, the most affected through pandemic of the new coronavirus on the continent, registrations 901,538 infections and 24,285 deaths from COVID-19-19, South African health officials announced.

In the last 24 hours, the country has reported 8,700 new cases of infection e 274 Deceased by COVID-19-19.

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