Sondagem places PS in front, PSD with the highest rise and Chega in fifth place


Or PS with the intention to vote, but see your vantage in the PSD or for 8.3 percentage points (p.p.), num study of Eurosondagem em that o Chega emerges as the fifth party.

A probe for the Porto Canal and the Sol day gives socialist years 37.7% of voting intentions, plus 1.3 p.p. do that or result obtained from the outubro legislation of 2019 and more 8.3 p.p. that or PSD, or party that more sovereign relative to the last study, carried out in February.

At no time when the conditional policy of the pandemic of the covid-19, or party led by Rui Rio, did it obtain 29.4% of the voting intentions, registering the highest rise as the fevereiro barometer (2.2 p.p.).

O Chega remains as the fifth party, reaching 4.0% of voting intentions, more than 2.7 p.p. that the last legislative e 0.4 p.p. that I was not fevereiro.

O BE continues in the third position with 8.3% (less 1.2 p.p. than the legislative ones), followed by the CDU (PCP / PEV), with 5.5% (-0.8 p.p.).

Atrás do Chega, surgem or CDS-PP, with 3.0% (-1.2 p.p.) and PAN, with 2.5% (-0.8 p.p.).

A Liberal Initiative has 1.2% of voting intentions, less 0.1 p.p. That in the past, and Livre disappears from the radar two parties with parliamentary representation, adding added to the heading “other parties, branches and null”, which is globally 8.4%.

I was not, or President of the Republic, Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa, emerged as the most popular figures with a tax of approval of 66.3% and 41%, respectively. The least popular are São André Ventura, from Chega, with a negative balance of 0.4%, and João Cotrim de Figueiredo, from the Liberal Initiative, with -1.2%.

The Eurosondagem study for o Sol e Porto Canal was carried out between May 04 and 07, through 1,005 validated telephone interviews, and a maximum error rate of 3.09%.
