Social Democrats win the Vienna elections with the extreme right in decline


The Social Democratic Party SPO won the Vienna municipal elections today, reaching around 42% of the vote, while the far-right party FPO suffered a setback, going from 30.8% in 2015 to 7.7%.

According to the projections of the Austrian public television ORF, which include an estimate of more than 300,000 votes by mail, the second most voted party was the popular party OVP, which doubled its result in 2015, going from 9.3% to 18.8 % of votes.

With these results, the mayor of Vienna, the social democrat Michael Ludwig, will continue to govern the Austrian capital, undoubtedly in a coalition with the Green ecologists, who occupied third place, with 14.1% of the votes.

After a major corruption scandal last year and the ouster of its historic leader Heinz Christian Strache, the far-right FPO suffered the biggest electoral defeat in recent years and rose to fifth place, even behind the liberal Neos party. that reached 7.9%.

Strache, Austrian Vice Chancellor of Austria until May 2019, stood in these elections with his own list, although he did not exceed the minimum threshold to enter the municipal assembly.

In a video recorded illegally in Ibiza and published last year by the press, Strache can be seen promising political favors to a suspected Russian oligarch in exchange for illegal donations to the FPO.

This scandal overthrew the then coalition government between the OVP and the FPO, in addition to unleashing a strong internal crisis in the far-right party.
