Slow internet for students reaching 12GB (“free use”)


Due to the pandemic, the government made computers and the Internet available to students in need (through a hotspot). The State pays five euros for each student’s Internet tuition, which is limited to 12GB of data. There is no limitation on access to content!

If the student reaches 12 GB of data, Internet access is slower, going to 2 Mbps.

Internet speed drops to 2 Mbps when the limit is exceeded

Students with state-available Internet will have “unlimited traffic,” but the speed may be reduced. According to Publico, if they exceed 12 GB of data per month, the speed drops to 2 Mbps.

The clarification was made by Tiago Brandão Rodrigues, who came to report on the characteristics of the service contracted for internet hotspots that are being provided to students. Contracts with operators cover the entire school year.

However, it should be noted that there is no type of access restriction, since the Internet is “free to use”. It should be remembered that the Secretary of State for the Digital Transition had mentioned that a “selection” of the available services was planned.

In the interview published on Monday in Eco, André Aragão Azevedo affirmed that the telecommunications operators to whom the State contracts connectivity services would have the opportunity to make available “some selection of the type of services”, in order to ensure that the consumption of Data will only be eligible when used in "educational context", thus excluding other types of uses, such as, for example, games, YouTube or the Tik Tok. NOS immediately contradicted the information of André Aragão Azevedo.

This was, in fact, a possibility that came to be foreseen in the concept of Digital School. However, Anacom indicated that this would violate the principle of internet neutrality, which establishes that operators treat "all traffic equally", preventing "blocking or slowing down content, applications or services."

DE also highlights that each operator was in charge of guaranteeing 33 thousand mobile broadband accesses, with contracts amounting to 2,463 million euros, for routers and connectivity, according to the contracts published in the Base Portal.

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