Six cases of Covid-19 in the Vitória staff cause the postponement of the match with Nacional


The meeting between Nacional da Madeira and Vitória has been postponed for the 12th round of the First League, scheduled for this Sunday at 3 pm. It is about six Vitória players having tested positive for Covid-19 in the tests carried out this Friday.

Vitória revealed, in a statement, that “according to Liga Portugal and CD Nacional, the match of the 12th day was rescheduled” for January 21, at 8:15 pm. “The decision arises from the detection, in the round of tests carried out this Friday, of six players who tested positive for Covid-19,” the club confirmed.

According to Vitória “in coordination with the health authorities, it was decided to reschedule the challenge this weekend, also opting for prophylactic isolation for a detailed investigation of the origin of the detected cases and even a new round of tests.” .

in sports

Tags: Vitória Sport Clube

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