“Situation of indiscriminate killing.” 540 dead animals after riding in Azambuja. Case already under investigation – Observer


Some 540 animals – wild boar, fallow deer and deer – were slaughtered in a mount carried out by 16 hunters that took place this weekend at Quinta da Torre Bela, in Azambuja. The animals were trapped in one of the largest walled farms in Europe.

The photos of the hunt were published on social networks and the authors accompanied them with a caption that “histo remember “ that the hunters “got it again.” Several parties and movements have already been outraged by what happened.

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It is an indiscriminate killing situation, which is unreasonable and we cannot agree with a situation like this. ” This is how Rádio Observador Silvinio Lúcio, vice president of the Azambuja Chamber and councilor responsible for the Chamber’s environment, describes the situation. The president of the Azambuja council of the PS also said that the situation had already been informed to the regional direction of Santarém and the minister of agriculture, Maria do Céu Antunes. And he says that the PS, despite being favorable to hunting, You can’t allow situations like this to happen: “It is not a pure and simple act of hunting,” he defends.

In statements to the digital newspaper Fundamental, Silvino Lúcio described even more details of the situation. According to the mayor, the animals were “euthanized”, since they could not escape, since they were “Near the property walls.”

The Party of the Animals of Nature (PAN) has also reacted to the episode and considers that “Killing for joy and sport is inhuman.” The party also warns that the area of ​​Quinta da Torre Bela is of “great ecological sensitivity” and that it is “involved in controversy”, since it is planned to “install a photovoltaic plant of 775 hectares and whose Environmental Impact Study (EIA) will be It is in the public consultation phase until January 20, 2021 ”.

The case took place in Quinta da Torre Bela, in Azambuja, which has a “walled area of ​​about 1000 hectares”, it is “one of the largest slopes in Europe”, the farm’s website reads. The animals were unable to escape the circumscribed space, having been trapped in space.

This afternoon, a source from the Ministry of the Environment confirmed to Visão Magazine that, “considering the number of slaughtered animals reported by the media, the Institute for the Conservation of Nature and Forests (ICNF) an investigation process has already started ”.

Meanwhile, the ICNF has already sent a note to the media, indicating that “it had no prior knowledge of this action”, which took place in a hunting area authorized as a Tourist Hunting Zone (ZTC) of Torre Bela to the Agricultural Society of Quinta da Visitação, SAG. , Lda.

“The Management and Exploration Plan of this ZTC foresees the exploitation of deer and wild boar, by the methods provided by law, which include saddles”, adds the ICFN.

The CIFN also adds that, “considering the number of slaughtered animals” reported by the media, it initiated an investigation process with the managing entity of ZCT to “investigate the facts and possible illicit acts in the terms of current legislation.”
