Sintra Volunteer Firefighters say Chega has not contacted them about the National Council – Observer


The Humanitarian Association of Volunteer Firefighters of Sintra indicated this Saturday that it had not received “any contact” from Chega for the celebration of the National Council of the party, next weekend, at its facilities.

“As it is being announced by some media that the National Council of the Chega party will take place at the facilities of the Volunteer Firefighters of Sintra, this humanitarian association clarifies that this news is false, and there was not even contact about it,” read in a statement sent to the Lusa agency.

In the note, the association also indicates that its facilities “are only available for humanitarian and / or training activities, which respect the association’s contingency plan, which conforms to the standards issued by the General Directorate of Health.”

According to a call published on its website, consulted this Saturday by Lusa, the Chega party, led by André Ventura, will meet, next Sunday, November 29, its National Council, a meeting that takes place at the same time as the congress of the PCP.

The initiative of the Communists was criticized by André Ventura.

The summons, signed by the president of the board of directors of that body, Luís Filipe Graça, and meanwhile withdrawn from the page, called “all the national councilors of the National Council that will be held on November 29, 2020.”

It was said that the meeting would take place at the Sintra Volunteer Firefighters (Lisbon district) facilities and would begin at 15:30.

The information also indicated that the agenda would consist of three points: “information”, “analysis of the political situation” and, finally, “proposal and vote on the suspension of the president of the Faro District Political Commission.”

Lusa contacted the party, but so far no clarification has been possible.

The National Council of Chega, a deliberative body between conventions (equivalent to a congress), is “responsible for monitoring the political strategy of the party defined in the National Convention, as well as for the political control of the activities of the party’s national organs” .

The party’s statutes establish that “the National Council usually meets every four months and, in extraordinary session, at the request of the National Directorate, or at the initiative of at least half of its effective members.”

This body is made up of the president of the party and all the members of the board, the members of the board of the National Council, the presidents and vice presidents of the regional and district sections of the party, 30 effective members and 10 alternates, elected in the Convention. National. and also for the militants who exercise executive functions in the Government, in the Autonomous Communities or in the Town Halls, also indicate the statutes.
