SIC News | US agency acknowledges error in saying that the coronavirus is transmitted by air


The United States Center for Disease Control and Prevention corrected the information it had advanced that the coronavirus is transmitted by air. He claims to have made a mistake and that this conclusion lacks scientific evidence.

What happened?

Updating the CDC guidelines on COVID-19 He arrived on Friday and realized that airborne transmission was the main way the virus spread, reinforcing the idea that the particles could be inhaled through the nose, mouth, airways and lungs and cause an infection.

The new indication forced, from the beginning, to rethink some issues, namely the conditions in which interior spaces are ventilated and the mandatory use of a mask.

Just three days later the Center for Disease Control and Prevention says you made a mistake.

What has changed?

The CDC says the the information disclosed lacks scientific evidence. The deputy director admits that there was a failure and guarantees that they are already reviewing the entire process.

Since the beginning of the pandemic, specialists have been analyzing the transmission of the virus and the best way to stop it.

In July, the World Health Organization published a new guideline in which did not reject the possibility that the coronavirus could be transmitted through the air in closed or poorly ventilated spaces. However, this information has never been proven.

Scientists continue to investigate possible forms of contagion.
