SIC News | Spain registers a slight increase in the daily number of deaths from Covid-19


Spain recorded 176 deaths due to the covid-19 pandemic in the past 24 hours, up from 123 on Monday, but below 200 for the fourth consecutive day.

According to the Spanish Ministry of Health, the country has so far had a total of 26,920 deaths since the disease was declared.

According to published figures, there are 426 new positive cases with the disease, bringing to 228,030 the total number of infected people confirmed to date by the PCR test, the most reliable for detecting the virus.

Daily data also indicates that, in the last 24 hours, 513 patients were hospitalized, out of a total of 123,484 people who needed to be hospitalized.

The director of the Health Alert and Emergency Services of the Ministry of Health, Fernando Simón, considered the “very favorable numbers” and highlighted the “very clear” decrease to 0.19% of the daily increase in new cases of covid-19.

Spain is the second country with the most deaths from the pandemic per million inhabitants (572 deaths), after Belgium (756) and before Italy (508), the United Kingdom (472) and France (408), in a list where States United has 247 and Portugal 112.

Globally, according to a report by the AFP news agency, the covid-19 pandemic has already claimed more than 283,000 deaths and infected more than 4.1 million people in 195 countries and territories.

With a decline in new patients in intensive care and contagion, several countries have begun developing plans to reduce confinement and, in some cases, to alleviate various measures.

Spain has decreed a mandatory 14-day quarantine for all foreigners entering the country, starting next Friday, according to an order from the Ministry of Health published this Tuesday in the official state bulletin.

Anyone from another country that enters Spain must stay at home or in a hotel and can only leave in specific situations, such as the purchase of food, medicine or cases of force majeure, when the use of a protective mask is mandatory.

On the other hand, the Ministry of the Interior has decreed the reestablishment of control at the internal air and sea borders: only Spaniards, residents of Spain, cross-border workers, diplomats and cases of force majeure may enter the country.

Cross-border workers, transport workers and their crews, as well as health professionals who go to work, are exempt from this measure, provided they have not been in contact with people diagnosed with Covid-19.

Health authorities may also contact quarantined persons to monitor their health status and request that, in case of symptoms such as fever, cough, shortness of breath, malaise, or other symptoms suspected of infection with the new coronavirus, please contact health services by phone.

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