SIC News | SEF case. The State will compensate the family of Ihor Homeniúk


The Portuguese State will pay compensation to the family of the Ukrainian citizen murdered on March 12 at the Aliens and Borders Service (SEF) at Lisbon airport.

The decision was announced this Thursday, at the end of the Council of Ministers, by the Minister of State and Presidency, Mariana Vieira da Silva.

In release, the Council of Ministers explains that “(…) decided to assume, on behalf of the State, the responsibility of paying compensation for the death of a citizen in its custody and in public facilities (…) to the widow and the two youngest sons of Ihor Homeniuk “.

The Ombudsman will define the amount of compensation to be paid and the terms of the respective payment.

At the press conference, the Minister of the Interior congratulated himself on the work he did in the case of the citizen who died at the hands of the SEF. Eduardo Cabrita regretted that some have just joined the Defense of Human Rights:

Minister Eduardo Cabrita will be heard next Tuesday, in the Assembly of the Republic, in relation to the death of the Ukrainian Ihor Homeniuk at the Temporary Installation Center of Lisbon Airport.

Eduardo Cabrita requested that the hearing be held by videoconference, but whether it will be in person or not is not yet closed.

The hearing was approved unanimously this Thursday morning, following a request from the PSD that was presented last week and a request from the unregistered deputy, Joacine Katar Moreira.



It describes the accusation of the Public Ministry that the accused, specifically Luís Silva, equipped with an extendable cane, and Bruno Sousa, with a pair of handcuffs, went to the room where Ihor Homeniuk was and after handcuffing him with their hands to the back. and tie his elbows with bandages, “They gave him an unknown number of punches and kicks”.

The victim was already prostrate on the ground and the inspectors continued kicking the log, demanding at the same time and shouting that he be quiet.


Nine months after the death of her husband, the widow of Ihor Homeniúk, the Ukrainian who died at the Lisbon airport, did not receive any support from the Portuguese State. In an exclusive interview with SIC, Oksana Homeniúk said that she alone handled the transfer of her husband’s body and that even today she has to lie to her children about what happened to their father.


9 and 14 year olds I think the father felt badHe was in the hospital and it was there that he died. They do not know that, according to the indictment, the father was beaten several times by SEF inspectors.

According to the widow, Ihor Homeniúk came to Portugal to find out about a possible job and stayed to call him as soon as he landed. But it never happened. He was also detained at the airport and transferred to the Temporary Installation Center.


According to the prosecution, some guards approached the doctors’ office and opened the door, and were immediately reprimanded by Inspector Duarte Laja, who fired them saying: “This is for no one to see”.

“A lot of people saw it, they knew what was going on and nobody helped. I still can’t understand. He was not a criminal, nor a terrorist, nor a murderer“Laments the widow, unable to hide her tears.

The prosecutor says that the attacks caused Homeniuk physical pain, high psychological distress and breathing difficulties, which caused his death, on March 12.

Upon death, the Government of Ukraine grants a monthly allowance of about 100 euros for the widow, ensuring that you will not receive any support from Portugal, even revealing that it was the family itself that paid for the transfer.


Attacked on all fronts, the SEF director could not resist the pressure and resigned from her post. Nine months after the death of a Ukrainian citizen at the SEF facilities at Lisbon airport, the Interior Ministry said in a statement Wednesday that Cristina Gatões asked to leave.

The General Inspection of Internal Administration involves 12 inspectors in the case of attacks that, according to the report, have been covered up by the bosses. At that time, those responsible for Lisbon were fired, but not a word was heard from the national director.

The new SEF regulation, which provides for the installation of panic buttons in rooms, generated criticism.

