SIC News | Russia beats UK and Italy in total number of Covid-19 cases


Russia today announced the registration of 11,656 new cases of contamination by the new coronavirus, more than half of which in Moscow, leading the country to outpace Italy and the United Kingdom in the total number of cases.

Russia now has a total of 221,344 cases, according to authorities. The official death toll remains relatively low, with 2,009 victims.

The United Kingdom, on the other hand, has 31,855 deaths, in more than 219,000 cases, and Italy registered 30,560 deaths, in more than 219,000 cases.

Russian authorities say the increase in the number of cases is explained by the multiplication of the tests carried out, 5.6 million according to current information, and not by an acceleration of the spread. This would also explain the low mortality.

However, many people in Russia doubt this interpretation and believe that mortality is underestimated.

This announcement comes as Russian President Vladimir Putin is due to hold a government meeting to decide whether or not to extend the period of paid work in a period of confinement, which was implemented in Russia in late March to prevent the spread of the new coronavirus. and that officially ends tonight.

Before that meeting, the authorities in Moscow and the region surrounding the capital announced the extension of the confinement until May 31 and made the use of a mask compulsory in public transport and commerce, following the same example, the second city largest in the country, São Petersburg

Several other regions, such as Belgorod (center), Magadan (eastern Siberia) or Iamal (Russian Arctic), in turn, announced a relief from the confinement starting Tuesday, notably allowing travel with children and reopening of children’s salons. beauty.

Among the former Soviet republics, Ukraine begins a gradual decline today with the reopening of parks, museums, restaurant terraces and certain shops.

Georgia in the Caucasus will resume production and sales in the wholesale and retail sectors starting today, with the exception of large shopping malls and clothing stores.

Kazakhstan in Central Asia today announced the end of the state of emergency imposed to deal with the epidemic.

Globally, according to a report by the AFP news agency, the Covid-19 pandemic has already claimed more than 280,000 deaths and infected more than four million people in 195 countries and territories.

The United States is the country with the most deaths (79,522) and the most confirmed cases of infection (more than 1.3 million).

The following are the United Kingdom (31,855 dead, more than 219 thousand cases), Italy (30,560 dead, more than 219 thousand cases), Spain (26,621 dead, more than 224 thousand cases) and France (26,380 dead, more than 176 thousand cases).
