SIC News | Prime Minister’s Warning: The Country Will Enter “A Critical Phase”


The prime minister assures that the country cannot stop again and that it is necessary to avoid, at all costs, the measures adopted in March and April to stop the new coronavirus pandemic.

“We have to avoid at all costs the solutions we had to adopt in March and April because, from a social and economic point of view, they are obviously not sustainable (…) We cannot stop them all, return to a global economic paralysis because we are well aware of the brutal impact it is having on employment, family income and business life “

At the beginning of the Infarmed meeting in Porto, António Costa admitted that in the coming weeks the number of infected may increase.

Prime Minister warns that the country will enter “a critical phase”

António Costa warned that Portugal will enter “a critical phase” and called for compliance with the rules to control the pandemic.

It is about the change of season, the return to school and the resumption of many activities.

“We are going to be at a critical time because the number of active people will increase, after returning from vacation we will enter the fall and classes will start again, so the risk of contagion will necessarily increase”

The prime minister also recalled that if everyone complies with the regulations, it is possible to control the substantial increase in the pandemic, which is essential so that there is not an excessive burden on health services.


The return of the Infarmed meetings

The infamous meetings will resume this Monday. The meeting, in the city of Porto, between specialists, politicians and social partners to analyze the evolution of the pandemic has, for the first time, an open broadcast on the internet.

This session – which marks the return of what became known as the “heart attack meetings” -, according to a government source, “will be important” to settle the measures to be taken from the 15th of this month, when the Portuguese continent, in a preventive way, enters a situation of contingency.

This time in the auditorium of the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Porto, the Prime Minister, António Costa, the President of the Republic, Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa, and the President of the Assembly of the Republic, Eduardo Ferro Rodrigues, returned to join the party leaders. and social partners to hear from technicians and experts on the situation of the pandemic in Portugal.

Portugal with 3 more deaths and 249 new cases of Covid-19

The General Directorate of Health (DGS) announced on Monday the existence of 1,843 deaths and 60,507 cases of Covid-19 in Portugal, since the start of the pandemic.

The death toll went from 1,840 to 1,843, 3 more than on Sunday. The fatal victims are from the Lisbon region and the Tagus Valley.

The number of infected went from 60,258 to 60,507, an increase of 249. The largest increase in cases occurred in the northern region: there are 133 more infected, followed by Lisbon and the Tagus Valley with more than 85.
