SIC News | Portugal with 82 more deaths and 4,935 new cases of Covid-19


The General Directorate of Health (DGS) announced in the daily bulletin this Wednesday that there are 82 more deaths and 4,935 new cases of Covid-19 in Portugal. In total, the country has 3103 deaths and 192,172 infected with the new coronavirus since the start of the pandemic.

In the last 24 hours there are 9 more patients hospitalized in the Intensive Care Units, totaling 391. In relation to hospital admissions, 2,785 people were hospitalized, 43 more than on Tuesday. In both cases, these are new highs since the beginning of the pandemic.

DGS reveals that 78,716 contagion cases are active, 1,378 more than on Tuesday. Also in the last 24 hours, 3,475 people were recovered, a total of 110,353 since the start of the pandemic.

Health officials now have 89,107 people under surveillance, 956 fewer in the last 24 hours.

As for the 4,935 new cases, 2,845 are registered in the North region, 1,185 in Lisbon and Vale do Tejo, 743 in the Center region, 44 in Alentejo, 80 in the Algarve, 21 in the Azores and 17 in Madeira .

Of the 82 deaths that have been mourned in the last 24 hours, the worst daily record since the start of the pandemic, 44 occurred in the North, 19 in Lisbon and Vale do Tejo, 17 in the Center region and 2 in Alentejo.

The new coronavirus has already infected at least 105,147 women and 87,025 men in Portugal, according to reported cases.

Of the total deaths, 1,590 were men and 1,513 women, almost all over 80 years of age.

The peak of infectivity “may already be over” in the north of the country

The number of daily cases of infection by the new coronavirus in the North is “slowing down,” a specialist from the University of Porto said on Wednesday, warning, however, that the incidence It “exceeds four times” the limit stipulated for every 100,000 inhabitants.

Speaking to Lusa, Óscar Felgueiras, a mathematician specializing in epidemiology at the University of Porto, explained this Wednesday that the mathematical models point to a “stabilization of the order of 3,000 cases a day for the North” this week and next.

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