SIC News | Portugal with 8 more deaths and 623 cases of Covid-19


The General Directorate of Health (DGS) announced on Monday the existence of a total of 1,920 deaths and 69,200 cases of Covid-19 in Portugal since the start of the pandemic.

The death toll went from 1,912 to 1,928, eight more than on Sunday. The number of infected people increased from 68,577 to 69,200, 623 more.

In the last 24 hours there were 7 more hospitalizations, increasing the number of people with Covid-19 admitted to hospitals to 518, while there was a reduction of 2 users in intensive care, for a total of 61.

Since yesterday, 140 patients have recovered, so 45,736 people have overcome the infection since the start of the pandemic in Portugal.

40,465 contacts are under surveillance, 1,103 more compared to Sunday.

Ordem dos Médicos wants the urgent disclosure of the Autumn-Winter Health Strategy


The Order of Physicians defends the urgent disclosure of the Autumn-Winter Health Strategy and insists on the use of a mask in open public spaces and the need to strengthen laboratory capacity for rapid diagnostic tests.

In a statement released today, the president and the Crisis Office of the Portuguese Medical Association (OM) also requested an update of the guidelines and technical guidelines of the Directorate General of Health to “ensure the best articulation and coordination of responses at the outpatient and hospital “. .

OM also recommends the creation of medical response teams prepared for complex situations, such as outbreaks in homes, and reaffirms the “urgent need for an adequate reinforcement of human resources in Health Line 24, in Public Health teams and in the National Health Service “. Health (SNS) and monitoring of the levels of burnout and ethical suffering of health professionals ”.

Data by region

In the region of Lisbon and Tagus Valley, with the highest number of infections in the country, 439 new cases were reported, representing 35,443 cases of contagion and 731 deaths since the start of the pandemic.

The region North today it registers 113 more cases, now totaling 24,908, with 875 deaths.

In the region Center there were 30 additional cases, with 5,651 infections and 257 deaths accounted for since the start of the pandemic.

Not Alentejo 22 more cases of Covid-19 have been reported, totaling 1,340 cases and 23 deaths so far.

The region of Algarve Today it has reported 9 more new cases of infection, totaling 1,401 cases and 19 deaths from Covid-19.

In the autonomous community of Azores 9 new cases have been reported in the last 24 hours, adding 252 infections and 15 deaths since

The autonomous community of Madeira registers 1 more case of contagion, with a total of 205 infections since the start of the pandemic.

Marcelo defends that the pandemic makes everyone’s commitment to the UN more urgent


The President of the Republic today called for everyone’s commitment to multilateralism and the UN, 75 years after its creation, arguing that this becomes even more urgent with the consequences of the Covid-19 pandemic.

Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa made this appeal in a message published on the website of the Presidency of the Republic on the occasion of the high-level meeting that will take place today by videoconference to celebrate the 75th anniversary of the United Nations (UN), an anniversary celebrated on the day. October 24th.

“In this year in which we celebrate the 75th anniversary of its signing, it is time to reflect and reaffirm the commitment of nations, including Portugal, with multilateralism and the United Nations,” writes Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa.

Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa maintains that this situation makes “everyone’s commitment to the values ​​of the United Nations Charter even more urgent and current.”

