SIC News | Portugal with 63 more deaths and 4,096 new cases of Covid-19


The General Directorate of Health (DGS) announced in the daily bulletin on Monday that there are 63 more deaths and 4096 new cases of covid-19 in Portugal. In total, the country has 2,959 deaths and 183,420 infected with the new coronavirus since the start of the pandemic.

Watch the press conference live at the Ministry of Health:

In the last 24 hours there are 13 more patients admitted to the Intensive Care Units, totaling 391.

Regarding hospital admissions, 2,651 people were hospitalized, 129 more than on Sunday.

DGS reveals that 78,378 contagion cases are active, 1,731 more than on Sunday. Also in the last 24 hours, 2302 people were recovered, for a total of 102,083 since the start of the pandemic.

Health officials now have 90,088 people under surveillance, 418 fewer than in the last 24 hours.

With regard to 4,096 new cases, 2,265 are registered in the North region, 1,217 in Lisbon and Vale do Tejo, 379 in the Center region, 148 in Alentejo, 60 in the Algarve, 16 in the Azores and 11 in Madeira.

Of the 63 deaths that are mourned in the last 24 hours (the highest number since the start of the pandemic), 33 – more than half – occurred in the North, 22 in Lisbon and the Tagus Valley, 5 in the Central region , one in Alentejo, in the Algarve and one in Madeira.

Portugal in a state of emergency

Portugal entered a state of emergency this Monday, from 00:00 to 23 November, to combat the pandemic, imposing, among other measures, the overnight curfew in 121 counties with more cases of infection.

This measure that prohibits traffic on public roads between 11 pm and 5 am on weekdays and, for the next two weekends, starting at 1 pm, is applied in the 121 counties considered to be of high risk of transmission of Covid-19.

These municipalities, which cover 70% of the resident population, include all the municipalities in the metropolitan areas of Lisbon and Porto.

The measure was approved by an extraordinary Council of Ministers held on Saturday night and provides for exceptions such as commuting to work, returning home, emergency situations, hygienic walks in the vicinity of homes or walking animals, among others.

See all the new measurements here.

Protesting restaurant owners in Porto

Restaurant owners are protesting in Porto this Monday, idling by car and on foot, against the mandatory curfew imposed by the Government from this Monday and for 15 days, especially on weekends from 1:00 p.m.

SIC reporter María José Mendes spoke with the owner of two restaurants, one in Matosinhos and the other in Gondomar, who considers the measure “absurd” because it is the weekend that the restaurant sector works harder. For this entrepreneur, the weekend represents 70% of the turnover.

“The government cuts our legs from one moment to the next. Fifteen days, my company can still handle it, but if this continues it gets complicated ”, he says, explaining that he does not know how he will pay the salaries of more than 30 employees in his restaurants.

The protest, which has already been carried out by the Porto City Council, is expected to proceed to the Ceuta Tunnel and then to the VCI.

See also:
