SIC News | Portugal with 225 more deaths and 7,914 new cases of covid-19


This Thursday Portugal counts 225 more deaths and 7,914 new cases of covid-19, according to the daily balance of the General Directorate of Health (DGS).

Since the start of the pandemic, Portugal has already registered 13,482 deaths and 748,858 cases of infection by the SARS-CoV-2 virus, with 161,442 active cases this Thursday, 3,071 less than on Wednesday.

As to Hospital admissions, the epidemiological bulletin of the DGS reveals that 6,496 people are hospitalized in the ward, 188 fewer than the previous day and 863 in intensive care, minus 14.

Health authorities have under surveillance 204,336 contacts, minus 4,925 compared to yesterday.

The newsletter also reveals that they were delivered as recovered another 10,760 patients. Since the start of the pandemic in Portugal in March, 573,934 people have recovered.


Regarding the 225 deaths registered in the last 24 hours, 119 occurred in Lisbon and Vale do Tejo, 38 in the Center region, 41 in the North region, 20 in Alentejo, 4 in the Algarve region, two in Madeira and one in the Azores.

In the Lisbon and Tagus Valley region, 3,993 new infections have been reported, representing 276,464 cases and 5,349 deaths so far.

The North region registered 1,788 additional new infections by SARS-CoV-2 in the last 24 hours and since the beginning of the pandemic it has already registered 313,161 cases of infection and 4,695 deaths.

In the Central region, 1,118 more cases were registered, with 106,539 infections and 2,391 deaths.

In Alentejo, another 343 cases were reported, for a total of 26,284 infections and 741 deaths since the start of the pandemic in Portugal.

The Algarve region has reported 387 new cases today, totaling 18,223 infections and 234 deaths.

Madeira registered 264 new cases. This autonomous community has 4,605 ​​infections and 46 deaths from covid-19.

In the Autonomous Region of the Azores, 21 new cases were registered in the last 24 hours, totaling 3,582 infections and 26 deaths.

The new phase of vaccination against covid-19 started this Thursday in the north of the country, in four groups of health centers: Porto Oriental, Braga, Vila Real and Póvoa de Varzim.

This phase began on Wednesday in Lisbon and, next week, the country’s regional health administrations will begin in the rest.

At this stage, the vaccine will be administered to people over 80 years of age, non-household residents, and to people over 50 years of age with associated diseases. About 900 thousand people are covered.

The Director General of Health asks the Portuguese to trust the system with regard to the vaccination plan against covid-19.

Graça Freitas guarantees that everyone will be vaccinated, they simply cannot all be vaccinated at the same time and that is why there are priorities that must be met.

The Health Minister says Portugal will soon need 1,100 beds in intensive care.

“What we know now, and they are estimates, may not be confirmed.”

To face this situation, Marta Temido says that the first effort will be to make the available beds profitable, eventually turning to health professionals from other sources. However, he says that moving patients abroad will always be the last solution.

In an interview with Visão magazine, the minister also talks about the poor state of the National Health Service and believes that, in summer, 70% of the adult population will be vaccinated against covid-19.

Regarding the current situation of the pandemic in Portugal, Marta Temido acknowledges that the country experienced a very hard November in the north and a terrible January in Lisbon and the Tagus valley. February will continue to be a difficult month with the NHS on the brink of breaking up.

More than 2.2 million deaths worldwide

The covid-19 pandemic caused at least 2,253,813 deaths as a result of more than 103.8 million cases of infection worldwide, according to a report by the French agency AFP.

The most affected countries continue to be the United States, Mexico and Brazil.

The disease is transmitted by a new coronavirus detected in late December 2019 in Wuhan, a city in central China.

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