SIC News | Portugal exceeds 6 thousand deaths from covid-19


This Saturday Portugal records 86 more deaths related to covid-19 and 3,835 new cases of infection by the new coronavirus, according to the General Directorate of Health (DGS).

Since the beginning of the pandemic, Portugal has registered 6,063 deaths and 370,787 cases of infection by the SARS-CoV-2 virus, of which 69,910 are active today, 375 fewer than on Friday.

Regarding hospital admissions, the epidemiological bulletin of the DGS reveals that 2,973 patients are hospitalized, 88 fewer than yesterday, of which 485 are in intensive care, plus one compared to Friday.

The new coronavirus pandemic has killed at least 1,675,362 people since the WHO reported the onset of the disease in December 2019 in China, according to a survey conducted today by the AFP news agency at 11:00 a.m.

More than 75,611,670 cases of infection have been officially diagnosed since the start of the pandemic, of which at least 48,148,100 are already considered cured.

The countries that registered the highest number of new deaths are the United States, Brazil and Mexico, as well as India and the United Kingdom.

In Europe, the highest number of fatalities is registered in Italy (67,894 deaths, more than 1.9 million cases), followed by the United Kingdom (66,541 deaths, more than 1.9 million cases), France (60,229 more than 2.4 million cases) and Spain (48,926 deaths, almost 1.8 million cases).

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