SIC News | Pfizer Announces Covid-19 Vaccine “90% Effective”


The vaccine against Covid-19 developed jointly by the North American Pfizer and the German BioNTech “is 90% effective”, the two pharmaceutical companies advance today after the first evaluation of the phase 3 trial of clinical trials, the last one before the order. approval by the health authorities.

Laboratories around the world are racing against time to develop a vaccine against the new coronavirus. There are dozens of teams testing various candidate vaccines, some are more advanced and promising, but scientists caution that none should be ready before the end of this year or even next.

According to the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (which has a graph showing the progress of the experiments) there are 259 projects and 54 are in the clinical trial phase, and 10 They are in phase III, which consists of inoculating the vaccine in thousands of volunteers to determine if it really prevents infection.

The project between Oxford University and AstraZeneca is one of the most promising, to which Pfizer and BioNTech, gives Modern, from Sanofi and GSK laboratories, from various Chinese projects, specifically from CanSinoBIO who has already obtained authorization to administer the vaccine to Chinese military personnel.

COVAX global platform

The COVAX mechanism is a global platform for the development of vaccines against Covid-19, with the support of the World Health Organization, for equitable access to vaccines at affordable prices.

Several countries, institutions and organizations participate, such as the European Union.

In total, according to the latest official data from October, so far 184 countries have joined the international mechanism for the purchase and distribution of vaccines: 92 low- and middle-income countries that will receive free doses and 92 “high-income” countries that will pass Covax to stock up, but they will have to pay for the doses out of their own pocket.

More than 1.2 million dead and 50 million chaos worldwide

The covid-19 pandemic caused at least 1,251,980 deaths in more than 50 million cases of infection worldwide, according to a report by the French agency AFP.

Approximately 1 in 5 deaths occurs in the United States, the most affected country in the world, with more than 237 thousand deaths and almost 10 million cases.

With a total of 126,611 deaths, India is the third-deadliest country in the world, after the United States and Brazil, according to the Johns Hopkins University tally.

The General Directorate of Health (DGS) announced in the daily bulletin this Sunday that there are 48 more deaths and 5,784 new cases of Covid-19 in Portugal. In total, the country reports 2,896 deaths and 179,324 infected by the new coronavirus.

On Sunday there were 12 more patients admitted to the Intensive Care Units, totaling 378.

As for hospital admissions, 2,522 people are hospitalized, 102 more than on Saturday.

DGS reveals that 76,647 contagion cases are active, 3,702 more than on Saturday.

2,034 people were recovered, a total of 99,781 since the start of the pandemic.

The state of emergency is in effect throughout the country from midnight today until November 23. In 121 municipalities with the highest risk of covid-19 transmission, home collection is mandatory. But there are exceptions that allow circulation on public roads.

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