SIC News | New variant of coronavirus detected in the United Kingdom


A new variant of coronavirus has been detected in the UK. It is the same strain that was detected in South Africa.

“This new variant is very concerning because it is more contagious and appears to have undergone more mutations than the new variant identified in the UK,” said Health Minister Matt Hancock, announcing that everyone who has been to or from South Africa ” Close contact “with someone who has been in that country for the past two weeks should” be immediately quarantined. “

The minister also revealed that, so far, two cases have been detected in the country.


This variant does not have a more damaging impact on the human body, but it has higher levels of transmissibility.

The decision was published at a press conference used to announce an extension to more east and south-east England of the Level 4 national restrictions from Sunday, namely Sussex, Oxfordshire, Suffolk, Norfolk, Cambridgeshire, as well as parts from Essex. Surrey and Hampshire.

A new strain of SARS-Cov-2, considered up to 70% more contagious, dictated the introduction of Level 4 restrictions, equivalent to a lockdown, in the London region and south-east England from Sunday.

Non-essential shops, bars and restaurants were forced to close and people were advised to stay home and limit contact with a member of a different household in public outdoor spaces.

Hanckock claimed that Level 3 measures were not sufficient to control the new virus variant identified in the UK and that is behind an exponential increase in cases.

“We just can’t have the kind of Christmas we all long for. Christmas is about social contact and this is how the virus develops. That is why it is important that we all minimize our social contact as much as possible this Christmas. This will help protect ourselves. ourselves, our loved ones and the country, “he said.
