SIC News | Mother and son devastated after discovering his father was an undercover spy


After 26 years of thinking that his father was a left-wing activist who had fled under political pressure, the family discovered that he was, after all, a spy in charge of the police. The shock caused psychological damage to her son and former partner when they learned the complex story.

His name was Bob Lambert and his alter ego was Bob Robinson, a furry activist. He was one of the policemen sent to infiltrate political groups as part of a secret operation that lasted four decades and was revealed by the newspaper. guardian years ago. At least two more spies are known to have had children with activists they met in disguise.

Scotland Yard paid “substantial” compensation to Lambert’s son, whose identity has not yet been revealed, and mother Jacqui, and has already apologized for the psychological damage caused. According to the newspaper, Jacqui thought about committing suicide and had to receive psychiatric treatment after discovering, through an investigation, that the son’s father was a spy, two decades after his disappearance.

There is an ongoing public investigation: a little late – which was announced in 2014 by Theresa May, then UK Home Secretary, and is due to start hearing from witnesses on 2 November.

As a method, undercover cops adopted names of dead children to give credibility to the stories they took to the field. Lambert’s secret role began in 1984, when he infiltrated leftist groups, using the identity of a seven-year-old boy who had died of a heart problem in 1959.

To maintain credibility, he started a family with Jacqui, who at the time was a 22-year-old animal rights advocate. According to the woman, he seemed like a man in love with his son and always proved to be a dedicated father, until he left when his son was only two years old. As justification, he told Jacqui and other members of the group that the police were about to arrest him and that he must therefore flee to Spain.

In fact, Lambert resumed his work with the London police, assuming a higher post in the 1990s.
