SIC News | Medical course approved at the Catholic University. The first in a private university in Portugal


The Medicine course at the Portuguese Catholic University (UCP) was accredited by the Agency for the Evaluation and Accreditation of Higher Education (A3ES).

The announcement was made this Tuesday by the dean of the UCP, Isabel Capeloa Gil, who speaks of “(…) a great day for Higher Education and for the national scientific system.”

After proposal leader In December of last year, the PCU appealed the decision and presented a new proposal, now approved.

The initial accreditation request was submitted in October 2018 and it waited over a year for the A3ES decision.

In August 2019, after the objections of the Order of Physicians were made public, the future director of the Faculty of Medicine of the UCP, António Almeida, told the Observer in an interview that the institution met all the requirements and was ready to proceed with the opening of the Of course, waiting for the “green light” of the A3ES.

The Catholic University thus becomes the first private university in Portugal to offer a degree in Medicine.
