SIC News | Marisa Matias vs. Tiago Mayan Gonçalves. The full debate


The face-to-face between the candidate supported by the Left Bloc and the candidate of the Liberal Initiative was lukewarm, but left the ideological contrasts between the two well marked.

The first issue under analysis was the response to the covid-19 pandemic, with the candidate supported by the Left Bloc (BE) arguing that it is “irresponsible not to do everything” to try to contain the new daily infections, which are in the 10,000. , which he repeated later.

Regarding the declaration of the state of emergency, Marisa Matias said she was in favor, and pointed out that there is no other legislative framework that allows framing the necessary responses, but criticized that in this exceptional situation the “social response and economic support” is ” failing “. .

Jose Fernandes

The candidate supported by the Liberal Initiative, a party that opposes the state of emergency, defended that “the country cannot handle a new generalized confinement”, noting that the prime minister also recognized it.

“If the Prime Minister is now changing his mind, it is because something very serious is happening and I want to try to understand that,” he said, so he will accept the invitation to participate in the session with epidemiologists on the evolution of the pandemic, on Tuesday.

If the situation that arises is “a war scenario”, then “naturally the situation is different”, and this means that this Government “has seriously failed in handling the pandemic” and that it will be necessary to “pursue the loss” using “More robust measures”, stressed the candidate for the Presidency of the Republic.

During the 30 minutes that the face-to-face session lasted at SIC Notícias, the two candidates only converged on the need for support in the event of a new confinement.

Tiago Mayan Gonçalves asked the Government to assume responsibility if the new measures to combat the pandemic imply that companies have to close, and defended that “it has to compensate these activities directly and indirectly.”

Jose Fernandes

See the full discussion below:

“We ask for the confinement of the people, we ask demanding measures, and we have to give the people conditions to comply with these demanding measures,” said Marisa Matias.

In a comment on the opponent’s proposal, the blocker noted that it is “a much more socialist perspective of society” and urged Maya “to decide which option she wants, because she is permanently in contradiction.”

Also in health matters, the opponents did not meet, because, while the leader of the blockade defended the commitment to the National Health Service (SNS) and the use of private media paid “at cost”, the liberal candidate classified the proposal. from the “impossible” MEP, a “legal fiction” and argued that citizens should be able to choose the sector they want to use.

The differences between the two were also visible with regard to labor legislation, with Tiago Mayan Gonçalves pointing out that current policies, which “are not liberal”, have resulted in emigration and low wages, while Marisa Matias highlighted the measures implemented. by the last Government. , which had the parliamentary support of BE.

There was still time to talk about TAP, the candidate being supported by BE’s lawyer “an important and fundamental national company”, and Tiago Mayan Gonçalves argued that “the State must stop being a shareholder” of the airline, which must follow “the Your way”.

The fact that they were on opposite planes led the candidate to comment, in one of the opportunities to counteract the contrary arguments, without knowing “what difference to start with.”
