SIC News | Londoners fleeing the city in the face of new restrictions


Hours after the British Prime Minister announced a new lockdown in London and south-east England, thousands of people tried to flee the Bitanic capital and regions that have now entered the maximum level of risk.

Boris Johnson announced the new restrictions in mid-afternoon on Saturday, as Londoners rushed out of the capital.

The images published on social media and disseminated by the British press show thousands of people at Saint Pancras station hours before a new, stricter containment was instituted to contain the pandemic in the UK, where a new strain of Covid-19 was detected.

Boris Johnson’s government announced on Saturday a new lockdown in London, southeast England and part of the east of the country, forcing more than 16 million people to stay home and forego Christmas gatherings.

Non-essential deals were closed and all travel outside of these high-alert zones was banned, either elsewhere in the UK or abroad.

Pubs, restaurants and museums are closed from Wednesday.

The Minister of Health speaks of “irresponsible behavior”

The minister says the new strain was “out of control”

The British Health Minister said today that the new strain of the new coronavirus was “out of control” to justify the restrictions in London and parts of England, adding that these measures may last until the vaccine is implanted.

“Unfortunately, the new strain was out of control. We had to regain control and the only way to do that is by restricting social contacts.”British Health Minister Matt Hancock said in a statement to Sky News.

“It will be very difficult to keep it under control until a vaccine is implanted,” he said.

“It is a huge challenge until we launch the vaccine to protect people. That is what we will face in the next two months,” added Matt Hancock.
