SIC News | Graça Freitas argues that it is necessary to reduce contacts while living


The general director of Health, Graça Freitas, said this Monday that it is necessary to reduce contacts, but without stopping living, working, going to school, the theater, the cinema or shopping.

“We must continue living. We just have to decrease the number of contacts, without stopping going to work, school, theater, cinema or shopping ”, said Graça Freitas at the usual press conference on the situation of the pandemic in Portugal, during which she thanked the health professionals who they have accompanied the sick woman for eight months.

Addressing the general public, the Director General of Health recalled that the only measures against the spread of the new coronavirus, which causes the covid-19 disease, are behaviors.

“Today, eight months pass from the first case of covid-19 in Portugal and we all learn from each day that has passed. I appeal not to lower our guard no matter how tired we are“, said.

“We are in an ascending phase and it is our responsibility to flatten the curve,” he added, insisting that the fewer contacts there are on a day-to-day basis, the less chance of transmitting the disease.

What is a bubble?

Graça Freitas also explained what do you mean when you mean a bubble in the warnings you’ve been doing so people don’t mix contact bubbles.

“What is a bubble? It is an isolated place where I can be with some people. It is the family that lives in the same house. Our friends and colleagues are not from my bubble. We cannot make things easier at work and school in a moment when we are more relaxed, “he explained.

“It is at home, in social life, at work that we have to do a extra effort every day“, he is stressed.

Graça Freitas also appealed to those responsible for the different sectors of activity to create conditions so that students, workers, visitors to spaces and shows can be safe.
