SIC News | France enters a new national confinement from Friday


French President Emmanuel Macron announced on Wednesday that France will enter a new national confinement starting Friday and that it will run until at least December 1.

Christian hartmann

Macron also announced new measures to combat the spread of the pandemic. The Head of State expressed the need to protect “all French”, while protecting the economy.

He recognized that the second wave “it will possibly be harder and more lethal than the first” e “if it doesn’t stop abruptly, hospitals will reach saturation point quickly. “.

If nothing is done, there will be at least 400,000 more deaths. ” in a few months in France “Macron said, emphasizing the need to seek herd immunity.

The announced measures

Emmanuel Macron announced that nonessential bars, restaurants and shops will close again, at least until December 1.

“Stores that were defined in the spring as non-essential, including bars and restaurants, will be closed,” said the Head of State.

Nurseries, schools and universities will remain open with strengthened health protocols. Visits to nursing homes and care centers will be authorized.

Whenever possible, “generalized teleworking”. The big difference for the first lockdown is that all public service counters must remain open.

As for freelancers, merchants and micro and medium-sized companies, Macron assured that a special plan will be developed.

French internal borders (in Europe) will remain open and external borders will remain closed, with some exceptions. And it will be implemented “Mandatory rapid tests (…) for all arrivals” in “ports, airports” me “for international travel”.

However, “biweekly”, a revaluation of the averages will be carried out, especially for stores: “Every two weeks we will take stock of the evolution of the epidemic. We will decide, if necessary, additional measures and then we will evaluate if we can alleviate certain restrictions ”.

Macron maintains “the hope of celebrating Christmas and the holidays as a family”.

“(…) If we can control the situation in two weeks, we can reassess things and hope to open some businesses, particularly in this very important period before the Christmas holidays. Christmas.”

In a speech marked by the request of “greater vigilance “, Macron has repeated “sense of responsibility of each and civic spirit of all”.

“Stay home as long as you can. Follow the rules. Once again, I tell you. Success depends on the good citizenship of each one of us.”

Jean Castex will detail the measures “to combat the second wave”

Prime Minister Jean Castex announced on Twitter that he will hold a press conference late Thursday afternoon to detail the “new measures to combat the second wave of the covid-19 epidemic”, after Emmanuel Macron’s announcement of a new national confinement.


The French National Assembly voted on Saturday to extend the state of health emergency until February 16, an exceptional regime that allows the government to impose restrictions to deal with the covid-19 pandemic.

The text, approved by 71 against 35, should have reached the Senate this Wednesday and could be definitively approved at the end of November.
