SIC News | Entrepreneurs of the “A Pão e Água” movement end the hunger strike


After seven days and after meeting with Fernando Medina, the businessmen of the “A Pão e Água” movement decided to end the hunger strike.

The mayor of Lisbon served as a bridge between the Government and the protesters. The meeting resulted in the scheduling of a new meeting for next week, with the Minister of Economy, Pedro Siza Vieira.

Ljubomir Stanisic hopes that during the negotiations it will be possible to reach a consensus.

This Thursday, the businessmen of restaurants, bars and discos celebrated the seventh day of hunger strike, in protest in front of Parliament.

This Thursday they delivered a petition to the President of the Assembly of the Republic with more than 70,000 signatures to be received by the Prime Minister or the Minister of Economy.

The nine entrepreneurs installed at the door of Parliament demand a non-refundable support, exemption from TSU until the end of the year, a reduction of the VAT of the restaurant to 6% and the end of the mandatory curfew on weekends from 1:00 p.m. .

The parties join the “A Pão e Água” movement

After the CDS leader was asked to leave the tent set up by the protesters, some politicians from the Left Bloc, PAN and PSD joined the “A Pão e Água” movement and criticized the government for not listening to the strikers.


Photographs have emerged on social media showing the luxurious life of some of the protesters, who refuse to live beyond the media.
