SIC News | Elon Musk wants to connect human brains to computers


This Friday, Elon Musk demonstrated what he calls “neural connection”, a technology that aims to connect human brains to computers by implanting small electrodes.

The technology is being developed by Neuralink, registered in 2016 in California as a “medical research company,” which last year applied for an order to begin human testing.

According to the BBC, the device being developed by the company consists of a small probe with more than 3,000 electrodes attached to flexible lines thinner than a hair and that can monitor the activity of a thousand brain neurons.

In the latest update carried out by Neuralink, more than a year ago, the company revealed that it had success with tests carried out on a monkey and that the animal was able to control a computer through its brain.

Internet users were able to follow the demo live on YouTube. The live started after 11:30 pm local time, with more than 150,000 viewers.
