SIC News | COVID-19. What should we know about the new variant found in London?


In two months, it caused about 28% of the new cases registered in London and the south of England. The new variant of SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes covid-19, is being studied. So far, researchers believe that it is more transmissible than the previous one, but they do not know the impact it has on the body and the immune system.

Or what is known about this variant?

The existence of this new variant was announced on monday, after 1,100 cases of covid-19 caused by this virus mutation were detected. The increase in cases in the south and east of England has caused a high risk of contagion in these areas.

In Saturday’s statement, Boris Johson said that this new variant has a faster spread, and scientists believe it could be at least 70% more transmissible than the previous variant.

“As a result of the rapid spread of this new variant, preliminary data models, and rapid growth in incidence rates in the Southeast, the New and Emerging Respiratory Virus Threats Consultation Group now believes that this new stream may be extended. more quickly. ”Explained Chris Whitty, director of the medical office of England

Is it more aggressive to humans?

So far it is not known if this variant of the virus will be more or less aggressive in the development of covid-19 or if it will influence the mortality rate of the disease.

Mutations are a constant in viruses, Chris Whitty emphasizes, but it takes a combination of factors for the genetic alteration to become a new variant. For Reuters, the expert confirms that the mortality rate of this mutation is being analyzed.

The researchers will also look at the impact of this virus on the immune system, to see if the new mutation alters antibody production in any way. The reaction to the vaccine will also be one of the answers scientists are looking for. In an interview with Lusa, Constantino Sakellarides, former director of the General Directorate of Health and current member of the National Public Health Council, believes that this variant should not reduce the effectiveness of the vaccine.

“As far as is known, it is not likely to affect the effectiveness of the vaccine, as long as it does not interfere with the corona antigen, the antigen that stimulates the immune reaction,” said the expert.

However, he left a caveat: “All this is subject to reservation, because the information we have is scarce, but as long as there is no interference with that antigen, there is no reason to think that the vaccine will not yet work for this new variant.”

Remember that the UK started vaccination of priority groups on December 8, after having approved the drug produced by Pfizer / BioNTech.

When did the mutation appear?

The first mutation is believed to have appeared in mid-September in London or Kent. Within two months it had already caused about 28% of the cases in London and even more cases in the south-east of England, Whitty says.

British health authorities have already alerted the World Health Organization and are “analyzing available data to improve knowledge” about this new variant.

South Africa also detects a new variant

A team of South African researchers, led by Professor Tulio de Oliveira, detected a new variant of the coronavirus It affects younger patients, the Health Minister announced on Friday.

“The variant ‘501.V2’ of the SARS-COV-2 virus has been identified by South African researchers and reported to the World Health Organization (WHO),” Minister Zweli Mkhize said in a statement.

The researchers also alerted the UK to the identification of the new South African variant, allowing it to “study their own samples and find a similar variant.”

“It was the variant that was fueling its revival in London, leading to an announcement made in Parliament and the blockade instituted in London to contain the spread of that variant,” he said.

New measures to contain the new variant

Boris Johnson announced an increase in the level of risk in London and the South East and East of England. Level four regions return to mandatory confinement, as they did during the month of November, and travel abroad is prohibited except for professional reasons.

Non-essential shops and gyms will close over the Christmas period and an appeal has been made for anyone who can work from home. It is also prohibited to leave the regions identified as the maximum level of restrictions.

As for Christmas, the much criticized bubble of restrictions will also change. Until now, up to three households – people who, being of the same family, could live together – were allowed five days. However, the family reunion was limited to Christmas Day. In London and in the regions to be upgraded to level four, this encounter is prohibited.
