SIC News | COVID-19. “This is the last step before we have to do more muscle confinement.”


Tiago Correia believes that the Government and the health authorities have to be realistic with the population, saying that “the next few weeks will not be easy” and “Christmas will be different.”

Regarding the numbers of the covid-19 of Wednesday, the professor of International Public Health recognizes that the news is not good and that “we are in a very difficult phase”, with the objective now being to contain the rate of transmission.

In an interview in the Late Edition of SIC Notícias, he says that this it is a phase in which it cannot be facilitated.

“It is not the fault of the people, but at this point we have no other solution than to ask them to adhere to the measures.”

Regarding the measures of the state of emergency, Tiago Correia argues that they intend to convey a message to the population: end socialization between people who are not from the same household.

“This is the last step before we have to do more muscle confinement.”, He says, recognizing that this closure “will continue to be more painful” than the measures now imposed with the state of emergency.

Tiago Correia also talks about communication between authorities and the population, the alignment between social and political behaviors and the vaccine.

Portugal with 82 more deaths and 4,935 new cases of Covid-19

The General Directorate of Health (DGS) announced in the daily bulletin this Wednesday that there are 82 more deaths and 4,935 new cases of Covid-19 in Portugal. In total, the country has 3103 deaths and 192,172 infected with the new coronavirus since the start of the pandemic.

In the last 24 hours there are 9 more patients hospitalized in the Intensive Care Units, totaling 391. In relation to hospital admissions, 2,785 people were hospitalized, 43 more than on Tuesday. In both cases, these are new highs since the beginning of the pandemic.

DGS reveals that 78,716 contagion cases are active, 1,378 more than on Tuesday. Also in the last 24 hours, 3,475 people were recovered, a total of 110,353 since the start of the pandemic.
