SIC News | COVID-19. Students in risk groups can take distance classes


Students who are part of groups at risk of covid-19 will be monitored in person during the next school year, similar to what was already happening with cancer patients, according to an order issued Thursday by the Ministry of Education.

In a statement, the press office explains that the document, which has yet to be published, consists of an expansion of a 2017 ordinance that establishes support measures for students with cancer diseases.

“This order establishes that these students will be able to count on non-face-to-face support, using supports that allow them to stay in contact with the class of origin, in agreement with the family, and resources can be mobilized in case of manifest need,” writes the guardianship.

A version of the text made available to Lusa reads that “students who, according to the guidelines of the health authority, should be considered patients at risk” and therefore cannot attend face-to-face classes, can benefit from “educational support individual in the school context or at home, in person or at a distance “.

Special evaluation conditions

On the other hand, the document also provides, for these students, the possibility of having special conditions for evaluation and school attendance, similar to what was established by Ordinance 350-A / 2017 for cancer patients.

In the next school year, which begins between September 14 and 17, face-to-face classes are resumed, suspended in mid-March due to the covid-19 pandemic, which, this year, should constitute the regulatory regime.

The exceptions to this rule are blended or distance learning programs, implemented only if the epidemiological situation dictatesand, from the beginning, this group of students for whom the Government now establishes educational support measures.

What should parents do

To benefit from these measures, tutors must apply to school where the student is enrolled, who is responsible for determining the educational support measures applicable to each student.

During the school year, schools must ensure that they maintain their place in their class, until the student returns to classroom activities.

The conditions for conducting national assessment tests and exams for students from risk groups are determined by the General Directorate of Education, through the National Examination Board, in conjunction with the schools.

In the case of vocational, specialized artistic and scientific-technological courses, the Ministry of Education office establishes that, whenever possible, the training component in the workplace can be carried out through simulated practice, as happened. during distance education.

See also:
