SIC News | COVID-19. Mandatory curfew among the measures proposed by the Government


The Government wants to enact a mandatory curfew, specific restrictions for each municipality, depending on the degree of risk, and mandatory telework, as measures to prevent the spread of the new coronavirus.

As far as SIC is concerned, these are the three measures that the Executive is presenting to the parties with parliamentary seats, in the meetings that take place this Friday.

The question now is whether it is necessary to re-declare the state of emergency, not to impose the general confinement of March and April, but to give the Government the legal framework that allows it to implement more restrictive measures.

This will be one of the decisions that will be closed in the extraordinary Council of Ministers on Saturday. In the meetings that take place this Friday, the Executive has tried to leave the idea that the intention is to recover from the impact of the November pandemic, so that it is possible to “save Christmas.”

“We do not have the economy to support” a new total confinement

The leader of the PSD, Rui Rio, warned this Friday of an “even more serious situation” in the covid-19 pandemic than in March and warned that the country “has no economy” to withstand a state of emergency like the previous one.

After an audience with the Prime Minister, Rui Rio said that the measure “more on the table” on the government side is the monitoring of the situation by the municipalities, with specific responses appropriate to the severity.

As for the possibility of Portugal entering a new state of emergency, the Social Democratic leader did not rule out the possibility, but warned that the country cannot be confined again.

“We have no savings to support such a thing.”
