SIC News | Covid-19 in Portugal. The trend is “worrying”, but the risk is “moderate”


The European Center for Disease Prevention and Control has created three groups: in one are the European Union countries with a “stable trend and reduced risk” of covid-19 cases, in another those with a “worrying trend. but of moderate risk “and in a third are the countries that present” a worrying trend and high risk “.

Portugal is in the second group, which is that of countries where infection rates are high and increasing due to the high number of tests carried out, but the proportion of serious cases is low and also deaths from covid-19.

This group also includes Austria, Denmark, Estonia, France, Ireland, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Norway, Slovakia, Slovenia, and the United Kingdom.

According to the European Center, the states that currently present the highest risk are Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Hungary, Malta, Romania and Spain.

Portugal in a contingency situation until October 14

Portugal will remain in a contingency situation until October 14, in a scenario of increasing cases of COVID-19 the last five weeks.

The Government’s decision was announced by the Minister of State and Presidency, Mariana Vieira da Silva, adding that the contingency situation in Portugal Continental will be reassessed by the executive in two weeks, then with a more in-depth analysis of the impact of the first weeks of school on schools.

Following the evolution of the epidemiological situation of covid-19 in Portugal, in a Council of Ministers held on the 10th, the Government decided to declare a contingency situation throughout the peninsular national territory.

This resolution that declares the contingency situation, with the establishment of norms for the individual and collective protection of citizens, entered into force at 00:00 hours on September 15 and is effective at 11:50 p.m. on September 30. this month.

Thus, the measures created by the Government to try to control the pandemic of COVID-19 is that came into force on September 15.

Among them, the limitation of meetings to ten people, half of what was previously allowed, except in the case of families living together.

Commercial establishments may not open before 10 in the morning, except pastry shops, cafeterias, hairdressers and gyms.

In the case of shopping malls, meals with more than four people are still prohibited and in public transport the capacity remains limited to two thirds.

Portugal registers 3 more deaths and 691 cases of covid-19

The General Directorate of Health (DGS) announced this Thursday the existence of a total of 1,931 deaths and 71,156 cases of covid-19 in Portugal since the start of the pandemic.

THE the death toll rose from 1,928 to 1,931, 3 more than on Wednesday. The number of infected people increased from 70,465 to 71,156, more than 691.

In the last 24 hours, 17 more hospitalizations were registered, increasing to 588 the number of people with covid-19 admitted to hospitals, while an increase of 8 users in intensive care was registered, for a total of 85.

Since yesterday, 386 patients have recovered, so 46,676 people have already overcome the infection since the start of the pandemic in Portugal.
