SIC News | COVID-19. Costa rejects a new global lockdown


This Saturday, Portugal registered the highest number of infections with the new coronavirus since the start of the pandemic.

Despite these data, the prime minister assured that there will be no more global confinement.

António Costa also said that the National Health Service is being able to respond. The head of government’s statements came after doctors warned of the urgency of hiring more health professionals.

Portugal with more than 1,646 confirmed cases, the highest number since the start of the pandemic

This Saturday Portugal counts five more deaths related to covid-19 and 1,646 new cases of infection by the new coronavirus, according to the epidemiological bulletin of the General Directorate of Health (DGS).

Since the beginning of the pandemic in March, this is the highest number of cases of infection. The second largest record occurred on April 10, with 1,516, and the third most recent, this Friday, with 1,394 new cases.

Portugal has already registered 2,067 deaths and 85,574 cases of infection, with 30,704 active cases, 1,002 more than on Friday.

Covid-19 outbreaks across the country

On Friday night, PSP identified more than 400 people in the municipality of Amadora, in an operation to control concentrations. Several establishments were closed.

At the University of Aveiro, 170 Erasmus students continued to be evaluated. There are already 29 positive cases. This trial run doesn’t end until early next week. The covid outbreak originated from a student welcoming event that took place last weekend.

Also at the University of Porto there is an outbreak of covid-19 among Erasmus students. There are 79 infected and the infection is believed to have occurred outside of class.

“These figures show that we are already in the second wave”

The Order of Physicians has no doubts that Portugal is already in a second wave of the new coronavirus pandemic and that there are flaws in the National Health Service that require structural changes.

What is at stake is the number and training of the doctors, who have been under pressure for six months and have yet to receive adequate compensation.

In SIC Notícias, Alexandre Valentim Lourenço from the Southern Medical Association recalled that mortality has increased since March and the system cannot forget all other pathologies.
