SIC News | Covid-19: China registers new focus on Wuhan after end of closure


Officials and health experts have already warned that as countries ease blockade measures and people move more freely, contagion is likely to increase.

In China, officials are now talking about a small group of cases, all in the same residential complex.

After the first case was identified on April 3, Wuhan City confirmed on Monday that there were five new infections.

This will be the first disease outbreak to appear after the end of the blockade on April 8.

One of the five cases reported Monday is the wife of an 89-year-old man, who had been the first confirmed case in the city in more than a month.

Although these cases were previously classified as asymptomatic, and although the country does not count, therefore, in the official infection registry, these people can transmit the virus.

There are currently hundreds of asymptomatic cases to be monitored by Wuhan health officials.

In Shulan, in Jilin province, near the borders with Russia and North Korea, there were 11 new cases over the weekend.

According to the Global Times, the city has already declared martial law and entered confinement, with the government ordering that all public places be temporarily closed.

Shulan became the only city in the country with the high risk designation. All residents were advised to stay home and only one family member can go out every day to buy essential items.

All public transport has been suspended and taxis cannot leave the city.
