SIC News | America is the new global focus of the pandemic


The American continent ultrapassou this terrace to Europe with no number of infected with Covid-19 to register about 1.74 milhões of cases, becoming a new global focus of the pandemic.

The World Health Organization (WHO) warned that America registers now 1.74 milhões of confirmed cases of coronavirus and surpassed Europe, which totaled 1.73 milhõas nas last hours e was, since piss of fevereiro, or global focus of the pandemic .

According to the death by Covid-19, not from the American continent, that in the second day of the ultrapassou had two thousand deaths, it was significantly less than the 160 thousand registered in Europe, second data reported by the WHO.

We give you that the Johns Hopkins University updates every day to help you think about the evolution of the impact and its impact on mortality rates in our countries.

To instituição I estimated that a tax of mortality per 100 thousand inhabitants became Covid-19 and 24.66 in the United States; 13.80 not Canada; 12.56 non-Equador; 6.13 no Peru; 5.96 not Panama; 5.56 not Brazil; 2.83 not Mexico; 1.72 not Chile; 1.21 in Honduras; 1.07 na Bolívia, 0.96 na Colômbia and 0.71 na Argentina.

Homem protects itself with a special mask, mask and viseira against o novo coronavírus in Quito, not Equador, even higher than Covid-19 or higher value of deaths and infections in the American continent.

Homem protects itself with a special mask, mask and viseira against o novo coronavírus in Quito, not Equador, even higher than Covid-19 or higher value of deaths and infections in the American continent.

Dolores Ochoa / AP

Given the magnitude of two numbers, the Pan-American da Saúde Organization (OPAS) stated that it was “very concerned” with the speed with which Covid-19 is spreading, not the American continent, with the last week accounting for more than 266,269 cases. .

“We are very concerned with the speed with which the pandemic is spreading. In no time does the region take three months to reach a thousand cases, plus less than three weeks to duplicate this number”, told the director of the organization, Carissa Etienne .

The director of OPAS warned that, due to this growth in the mortality and transmission of viruses in America do Sul, the health systems in large urban centers such as Lima [Peru] ou Rio de Janeiro [Brasil] “I am quickly going to ficar overloaded.”

From the rest, the United States recorded that 1,900 deaths in the last 24 hours, a new increase not daily number of deaths caused by Covid-19, after two days of sharp decline, according to the contagion of the Johns Hopkins University.

Or notice from a senior specialist in two USA in infectious diseases

On a global level, the second balance of the AFP news agency, the Covid-19 pandemic has caused more than 290 thousand deaths and more than 4.2 thousand people in 195 countries and territories.

More than 1.4 milhões de doentes foram considered cured.

A doença is transmitted by a novo coronavirus detected not ending in December, in Wuhan, a city in the center of China.

In order to fight a pandemic, you will be sent home by 4.5 thousand people of people (more than metade da população do Planeta), locked up or commercially reduced and drastically reduced by air traffic, paralyzing internal sectors of the world economy.

Facing a diminution of new doctors in intensive care and outbreaks, several countries will start to develop reduction plans for confinement and in some cases to alleviate various measures.
